Monday, February 20, 2012

"Family Day" Entertainment

Today is "family day" here. Abby's home from school and wanting to be entertained. It was also a very chilly -16 degrees outside this morning so that meant inside entertainment for us seeing as we're just finally getting over a particularly nasty cold. So we busted out our trusty homemade playdoh recipe and also tried a new homemade "slime" recipe. Our playdoh recipe is one that we got from Abby's teacher at school and changed a bit to make it less sticky and goopy. After making this stuff I'll never go back to the store bought stuff...this playdoh I find is softer, works better in the playdoh machines and is a way easier clean-up when it ends up on the carpet.

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 cup water
5 tsp vegetable oil
food colouring

In a medium sized saucepan, combine flour, salt and cream of tartar. Over medium heat gradually stir in oil and water mixed with food colouring. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until mixture forms into a (not too) sticky ball. Make sure you keep stirring or the mixture will burn! Remove from heat, let cool 5-10mins. Knead until smooth. Store in airtight container (I use small margarine tubs, perfect fit for one batch).

I scribbled the slime recipe down in a rush this morning and forgot to bookmark where I got it I take no credit for this recipe. There are a ton of recipes out there for slime but I liked the idea of not busting out my box or borax and having it be an easier clean-up so we went with this one:

1/2 cup hot water (i warmed it in the microwave for 1 min)
1 cup cornstarch
food colouring

Slowly mix cornstarch into your bowl of water with food colouring. Mix with spoon until too tough then mix with fingers (as you play with it the colour mixes better...I just didn't end up getting a pic of that). That's it....and this was equally entertaining for my 2 and 4 1/2 year olds as well as their Grandma and Pa so you gotta love that!

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