Saturday, March 24, 2012

Livingroom floor....what's that?

When we bought our house 9 years ago we bought it because it was a fixer-upper with a great yard. Thankfully the last 3 years there has been room in the budget for some pretty major house repairs/renovations. Our latest project has been our living room floor. When we moved in it was a blueish grey carpet that wasn't in the greatest shape even then. One day this past Fall our eldest daughter was pretty sick and upchucked right in the centre of the room. Okay not a great thing but I was thinking I'll just bust out our carpet cleaner and get this cleaned up in no time. Haul it up from the basement only to discover that the darn thing doesn't want to work. That's when I lost it and demanded that hubby help me rip the carpet up and get it the H-E-double hockey sticks out of the house. I was sick of looking at it, smelling it, walking on it and most of all cleaning it! So long story (sort of) short we've been living on subfloor and a crappy area rug in the living room since that day. Totally my fault so I have nicely been keeping quiet about my hatred of the subfloor :) But for the past week we've been slowly (does anything get done quickly with kids around?) installing our new laminate flooring. This is a first for us so we've had to rip back and fix a few mistakes but we're getting there....

I'll be soooo glad when my dining room no longer looks like this:

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